Sunday, March 14, 2010

Posting Anonymous: Blessing or Cursing?

The Internet allows us access to all kinds of information about literally millions of different things. Internet forums become more specific as they deal with individual issues. The ability to anonymously post to an Internet forum can be seen as a blessing or a curse. I think it is actually both. There are many reasons why it could be seen either way, it all has to do with personal opinion.

The ability to post things anonymously to the Internet allows for more freedom of opinions because a person does not have to worry about any repercussions from what they might say. For example, someone might post something they don't want their family or friends to know about for a variety of different reasons. Another scenerio might be if a person posts something in regard to their job or employer. We have all heard or read about someone who has lost their job over something they have posted on the Internet. If you can give your opinions without giving your name, you can usually be a lot more honest and forthcoming. Also it allows for the ability to ask questions about subjects that you might be embarrassed or hesitant to ask about. An example of this would be a teenage girl who's looking for information about birth control, but is embarassed or afraid to ask her parent about it. This is very common. Internet forums that offer information about this subject would be very helpful.

There is also a negative side to being able to post anonymously. People posting on these sites are not going to be held accountable for anything they say. Therefore, some information on a forum may not even be true or backed up with any facts. The person posting may not even have any real knowledge of the subject. An Internet forum can be completely based on someone's opinion. An example of this in regards to the birth control issue would be a forum that was posted by a group or individual who is completely against any type of birth control and could give bad or incorrect information out to young girls who would not know the difference.

My opinion is it is both a blessing and a curse to be able to publish a forum on the Internet anonymously. My first reasoning for this is it gives you the freedom of speech without people arguing and attacking your opinions in a face to face manner. You might be in a position at your job where your employer would not agree with your opinion, however, if you can voice your opinion in this manner you don't have to worry about being reprimanded or corrected by your boss. Also, it allows you to express your feelings on a subject without personally being judged. Sometimes people just need a safe way to vent their feelings to make them feel better about things. You still have to weigh the positive against the negatives and realize that these forums could very often just be based on opinions. This type of freedom of speech does allow for arguments to be posted against something you may feel strongly about. Therefore, if you post a forum about something that may be very controversial, you should be aware of what could happen.


  1. I hadn't thought of the ability to get information that you may be embarrassed about. I also thought the possibility of inaccuracy of the information was a good point. Great job!

  2. I liked your post. Making the point that anonymity is important to how we function as a society, both professionally at times (as in being able to express your opinion at work without repercussions) and personally (as in the case of perhaps a young girl trying to find out about a sensitive issue) and that anonymity is a fundamental right we all have. I don' think we appreciate the need for our right to privacy enough at times, especially when we seem to be losing so much more of it everyday, thanks for the reminder...
    And in regards to mis-information being posted, this seems to be and issue we're going to have to live with for awhile. Even Wikipedia has issues in this regard, since anyone can post information about a subject that may or not know about and for the reader its hard to verify everything one reads.
    So along comes.... User beware...Again....
    Thanks for the good post...

  3. I liked your posting it was similar to mine saving someone embarrasment is a good thing but also someone being anonymous can make the internet a scary place. Thanks for the good post.

  4. Is being anonymous really anonymous? I would hope it would be! But in some cases like when people post things that are threatening to others in the end I think they can find out who you are. Isn't that what has happened online with some of those teens/collage students who bully others?!!? Just curious. I liked the way you put your thoughts into your blog.
